Children and families

This page will cover information regarding kindergarten and the educational system.

Kindergarten and childcare

Here you will find a list of all kindergartens in Halden. The contact information will help you get in touch with kindergartens close and relevant to you. 

“Åpningstider” means opening hours. 

The different types of kindergartens: 

  • Ordinær barnehage – The ordinary kindergarten. Either public or privately owned. Everyone can apply. 
  • Familiebarnehage – A small kindergarten for very young children, usually in the private home of an owner.
  • Åpen barnehage – A drop-in kindergarten where the parents will accompany their children.

In this link you can apply for kindergarten i Halden.

Educational system

Primary and lower secondary education in Norway is compulsory. If you are staying in Norway for more than three months, and have children of primary and lower secondary education age, contact the Halden municipality to enrol the child in school. The parents must actively enrol the child in the school.

All state-run primary and lower secondary education in Norway is free of charge, and is financed by the municipalities. Primary and lower secondary education is ten years, and pupils normally start school in the year of their sixth birthday. This period of education is divided into two main stages. The first seven years (Years 1-7) are called the primary level (barnetrinnet), and the three subsequent years (Years 8-10) are called the lower secondary level (ungdomstrinnet). The school must provide, for example, all necessary teaching materials and equipment. Pupils bring their own lunch.

You can read more about the Norwegian educational system here at

SFO –Skolefritidsordningen – Before and after-school program

Before and after-school programmes (abbreviated as SFO in Norwegian): SFO is offered both before and after school and facilitates play and cultural and recreational activities under the supervision of qualified personnel. SFO takes place in or in connection to the premises of the school.

Participation in before and after-school programmes is voluntary. You may contact your municipality (or school) for more detailed information on attending SFO and the parental fee.

Do you want to study in Norway?

You generally apply for admission to higher education in Norway through the Norwegian Universities and Colleges Admission Service, NUCAS (Samordna opptak). When you are admitted to higher education in Norway, your upper secondary grades (school credits) and any age points and additional points will be calculated.

Here you can read more about how to apply for higher education in Norway, approval of educational qualifications from another country, the right to student finance, student accommodation, health care services for students, and so on.